What’s the 10 Day Post-Cancer Bridgebuilder?
I developed the 10 Day Post-Cancer Bridgebuilder course really as an introduction to coaching. When treatment is done, that’s really when the healing starts. Whilst a lot of people feel that they need ‘something’ to help with this new and unique phase of life, the thought of sitting for an hour a week in some kind of therapy or counselling (whilst very useful!) can be super overwhelming. So they don’t do it. Life goes on, time waits for no man and this ‘gap’ between treatment and ‘what’s next’ doesn’t get bridged at all.
It’s very widely documented that a large percentage of cancer survivors end up with a mental health diagnosis at some stage in their lives - about 35% - and this is just the number that is actually diagnosed. Whilst qualified coaches are trained to know when a client would benefit from specific psychological treatment, there’s a massive gap for those who aren’t there - but still need ‘something’.
This is exactly where The Cancer Club comes in. The phrase “I Get You… and I’ve Got You” was coined because, I 100% understand the cancer journey, from the diagnosis to the treatment. I understand what goes into the journey and managing children, families and ‘real life’ whilst being a ‘cancer patient’. I believe I understand the true scope of human emotion and I believe managing the ‘crack open’ of the cancer journey is actually a learned skill.
As with anything, to get results, we need to be consistent. So, this means little and often. It means easy, accessible and time efficient! The 10 Day Post Cancer Bridgebuilder is exactly this.
Every day for 10 days, a recorded coaching session is sent straight to your inbox. Its about 6 minutes long and all you have to do is listen. You then complete the exercise in your included workbook and that’s it! The intention is that we acknowledge all of the areas which can be challenging post-cancer. It creates habits and consistency. Then, if the client feels they’ve gained value - they can jump into a three session live coaching course (all via zoom - where we talk about similar issues in more depth). Soon, they can continue with the 21 Day Post Cancer Parachute course, which is the same concept, but 21 days long.
The 10 Day Post-Cancer Bridgebuilder course is $99 (NZD) and can be started as soon as its purchased. It can also be gifted.